The Real Cuba

There are many tourists that come from the United States and other countries yearly to visit Cuba. Generally, they visit Havana, Old Havana, Varadero, or another of the beautiful beaches. They enjoy the restaurants, and many pick up souvenirs and cigars. But these sites are far from the real Cuba, where most of the nearly 11 million people reside. There are numerous villages, both small and large cities, that stretch from the western province of Pinar del Rio across to the easternmost provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo. This is where the REAL Cuba is and unfortunately, almost all the tourists miss it completely. The real treasure of Cuba is not just the capital of Havana or the beautiful landscapes and places to visit, but it is the people – those whom God created in his own image – and also their beautiful culture. The Cubans are people who really know no strangers. If anyone were to pay an unscheduled visit to one of their homes, almost always they would invite you in, offer you some rich Cuban coffee, and then they would sit down and talk with you, seeking to get to know you. Yes, this is the REAL Cuba.

Providing Hope

On my last trip to Cuba, while visiting a small church, I briefly met a young lady who lives about 4 miles outside a small town in the beautiful western central mountains of Cuba. It is a very rural area with few roads and most of those cannot support vehicles. She is 32 years old and has a one-year-old boy. The poverty in this area is beyond what any American would be able to comprehend. She cares for her family, including her little boy, her husband, mother, father, and her sick grandmother – all who live in the same small home.

The government recently turned their community water off because it was too expensive to run the pumps that need gasoline to operate. So now they all must carry their water from a nearby creek. Many illnesses come from this due to the lack of clean water. On many days, there is no food in the stores because the government cannot afford to distribute it. The electrical system is failing in Cuba, and they often experience up to 16 hours without power daily. Medicines and food are scarce. Despite it all, she reminds me often that we serve a God who is faithful and provides for us in this dark world. Our hope is not in the things of this world, but in the coming world, to be with our Lord in his eternal kingdom.

Over a year or so, we exchanged many text messages as we began to get to know one another. Early on, I could sense that God was wanting me to help. So, I began to ask how I could help her and her family. She would rarely discuss any of her own needs. But recently, when I began to pressure her a little more, she asked if I would send medicines for many of her neighbors in her community (her humble reply still amazes me). She also wanted to help a young teenager with a serious eye condition. This young girl needed glasses, contact lenses and other medicines to relieve pain in her stomach.

ABG was able to send the needed medicines to her relatively quickly and the glasses and contacts have been ordered and will be there in a few weeks. She had one final request – that I would send a toy for her little boy. Later I learned that the little boy had no toys of his own. Also, there was a family nearby that had not eaten for at least the two previous days and were desperate. ABG was able to provide for them that same day through God’s faithfulness.

Ministry to Believers AND Unbelievers

My young friend has been so joyful lately, because as she told me tearfully, “for the first time in my life I’ve been able to serve others with things that they need.”

She told me the story of taking medicine to an older man who had Dengue fever. The symptoms of this sickness are merciless and persistent, with high fever, chills, and joint pain. One could only imagine how terrible it would be to be that sick without aspirin or Tylenol or anything to relieve pain. She told me the man said to her, “I cannot afford to pay you for this medicine.” Her response was beautiful: “there is no need to pay me sir because the same Lord who died for sinners freely, has also provided this medicine to you free of any charge”.

Many believers in Cuba, like this young woman, are sharing Christ and using the medicines and food our Lord has provided to plant seeds for eternal fruit. So many Christians in Cuba are working tirelessly to get the gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope of eternal life to those who otherwise have no hope. Even though many of our Cuban brothers and sisters are living in very challenging conditions, they are seeking to serve others while keeping their eyes on our Heavenly Father.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves” 2 Corinthians 4:7

To God be all the glory!