"Cuenta de Amor"

ABG’s team which consists of both Cuban and American Christians have worked together in Cuba for more than 23 years. The Lord has forged close bonds between our multinational team of believers. Over the years there have been many different types of projects to bring bibles, biblical materials, food, medicines, and other types of aid. But over the past three years, Cuba has been experiencing a profound crisis that few in the US know. To live a normal life has become very difficult for all Cubans. Electricity is often only available for short portions of each day; there is little to no food to be bought in stores; water is scarce for drinking or bathing; and for the sick, medicines do not exist. For the food that does exist, most Cubans do not have sufficient financial resources to pay for it. The most vulnerable are the elderly and young families with children. Many of these are trapped in a situation that seems unsustainable.

Several years ago, the Lord led ABG’s team to start a ministry called “Cuenta de Amor”. The way that this ministry functions is to provide key Cuban church leaders a fund that they can easily draw upon when families or the elderly are in serious danger. These leaders are often pastors of their churches and are aware of those within their congregations that are profoundly poor and without help from anyone. From Cuenta de Amor, the Account of Love, has spawned many projects that have led to the glory and praise of Jesus Christ. An example of such a project is described below:

Cuenta de Amor – San Andres

Cuenta de Amor has allowed many of the Cuban Christians to be proactive to reach out in love to their brothers and sisters in need. An example is the work of Pastor David Gonzalez and his work in the rural area in the province of Pinar del Rio. San Andres is an example of an area where the conditions are very severe. David, who is one of the pastors of El Calvario Baptist Church in Havana, has been led by the Lord to make many trips to San Andres. He has utilized Cuenta de Amor to help hundreds of Cuban Christians who are suffering. He and his team have loaded their church van with food and medicines and even provided funds to rebuild a church that had been heavily damaged. This project has brought much glory and praise to the name of Jesus Christ. Recent photos of their work:

The Team that loves with works

David and his team arrive

Delivering Food and Medicines

ABG continues to utilize Cuenta de Amor by the provision and grace of God. The teamwork between US and Cuban Christians has brought much glory to our God. There are many communities like San Andres that have been and are being blessed through the team that God has created to meet critical needs during this time of crisis. Please continue to pray that this special work of love will continue, and we can reach as many as possible. Events like this one in San Andres lead to many opportunities for the gospel to be preached. Many of the neighbors who did not know Christ see the works of love and they want to know more.